Страницы контентаГрацияБлогБлогПост блогаСоциальный центр "Радуга" в гостях у клуба "Грация"Комментарий блогаVirtual reality headset Fibrum ProОбщееКонтент<a href=http://seo-swat.ru//wHUXV><b>FIBRUM PRO</b></a> is a portable virtual reality headset bundled together with Fibrum VR applications available on Google Play, AppStore and Windows Phone Marketplace. It’s lightweight, hygienic and very easy to use. Just slide your smartphone into the slot and the magic of virtual reality will carry you away. A wide variety of FIBRUM and Google Cardboard applications give you endless virtual excitement and future adventures!
Buy the VR headset and get free annual access to all Fibrum applications!!!
<a href=http://seo-swat.ru//wHUXV><img>http://seo-swat.ru/reklama/Fibrum.jpg</img></a>АвторДата публикацииMon, 03 Jul 2017 16:32:40 +0300