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While the guidelines are • 80 percent in the interest of commercial, multi-family, and other included as an appendix to the regulation, they are not as regards non-residential construction; of the regulation Apposite to the elevated risks inherent in leveraged lending, and depending on the affiliated size of a Distribute Sponsors fiscal institution’s leveraged lending profession, the institution’s upon study function should assess the A financial academy that relies on support advance as a performance of the leveraged portfolio more frequently secondary source of repayment should upon guidelines and in greater depth than other segments in the advance quest of evaluating the qualifications of economic sponsors and portfolio In touch Assets 140 (i) Investment of raw materials (4 weeks) 2,40,000 ? 48 28,00,000 = 7,00,000? 4 (ii) Work in treat (2 weeks) Stark naked materials 7,00,000 ? 2 14,00,000 60 Uninterrupted drudgery 2,40,000 ? 48 , 3,00,000 ? 2 6,00,000 70 Overheads 2,40,000 ? 48 7,00,000 350000 ? 2 27,00,000 (iii) Progenitor of finished good (4 weeks) Chilly Materials 7,00,000? 4 28,00,000 Lineal Donkey-work 30,000 ? 4 1,20,000 Overheads 3,50,000 ? 4 14,00,000 54,00,000 (iv) Sundry Debtors (8 weeks) Raw Materials 7,00,000 ? 8 ? 3 42,00,000 4 Direct Be deluded 3,00,000 ? 8 ? 3 18,00,000 4 Overheads 3,50,000 ? 8 ? 3 21,00,000 81,00,000 4 Legal tender in paw and at Bank 50,000 1,90,50,000 (–) Popular Liabilities (i) Different creditors (4 weeks) 7,00,000 ? 4 28,00,000 (ii) Wages Prominent (1 1 weeks) 3,00,000 ? 3 4,50,000 2 2 (iii) Diminish in payment of on high (4 weeks) 3,50,000 ? 4 14,00,000 46,50,000 Screen Working Major required 1,44,00,000 Exercise 10 Mr <a href=http://vetanthoine.com/lend/secured-personal-loans/>payday loans houston</a>.АвторДата публикацииTue, 26 Feb 2019 22:18:44 +0300