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Страницы контентаГрацияБлогБлогПост блогаСоциальный центр "Радуга" в гостях у клуба "Грация"Комментарий блогаHomeless people needs our help!ОбщееКонтентIm homeless in Slovakia. Im living in hotel from my work but this is only temporarily solution. Im working from my 18 years and i did not finish high school. I have 22 years and i want to create my family and have good life. I want good girl which will be my wife in future but before i can have this i need home. Because its really hard to have girlfriend or wife when you are homeless. In this blog i will show you my life sad story and i will beg for help because i want in my life more than have house. I want get happy life and happy family. I want my Mother, Dad, me and my future girlfriend/wife will have really happy life. I know life is not easy because i experienced real hell on earth. But i want change it. I builded plan how to be happy, have house and help many homeless people. I need your help but I do not want it for free. If you will help me i will must do some things which will better change my life, if you want i will sent you money back and on the end of this plan i will be able to help other homeless. This is blog post about my plan how to get house and help other homeless people homelessneedhelp.wordpress.com/2018/05/01/plan-to-get-better-life-and-start-non-profit-organization-for-help-homeless-people/АвторДата публикацииTue, 01 May 2018 23:57:26 +0300