Страницы контентаГрацияБлогБлогПост блогаСоциальный центр "Радуга" в гостях у клуба "Грация"Комментарий блогаDownload Electronic Music. Daily updates!ОбщееКонтент<img class="aligncenter size-medium" src="http://b.radikal.ru/b09/1801/53/15e125bef649.jpg" width="500" height="500" />Genre: Future Jazz music Contemporary Jazz, Experimental music music, Downtempo music music, Leftfield, Techno music music, Electro
Country: Brighton, UK
Album Release Date: 2010-2018
Album Type: WEB
Music Record Label: Tru Thoughts, Denovali Records
Codec: MP3 and FLAC tracks
Quality: MP3 320kbps CBR and FLAC Lossless
Playtime: 8:14:55
Hidden Orchestra is the solo studio project of multi-instrumentalist composer/producer Joe Acheson.
The albums and live shows feature a wide variety of guest musicians from all kinds of musical backgrounds.
<a href=https://www.keeplinks.co/p48/5a7ce852a9811>Download Hidden Orchestra - Discography 2010-2018</a> (Tru Thoughts, Denovali Records) MP3 320kbps CBR :
<a href=https://www.keeplinks.co/p48/5a7ce86d87035>Download Hidden Orchestra - Discography</a> 2010-2018 (Tru Thoughts, Denovali Records) FLAC Lossless :
<a href=http://trance-music.org/>Download new Electronic Music</a>
2010 Night Walks:
2012 Archipelago:
2017 Dawn Chorus:
2018 Dawn Chorus Remixes
Compilations :
2015 Reorchestrations
Singles & EPs :
2011 Flight EP:
2013 Fourth Wall / The Revival:
2013 Archipelago Remixes:
2014 Archipelago Remixes Part 2:
2016 Wingbeats:
2017 Still:
2017 East London Street:
2017 Alyth:
2017 Wingbeats (Max Cooper Remix):
Joe Acheson (Solo)
2016 Marconi & the LizardАвторДата публикацииWed, 14 Feb 2018 06:51:56 +0300